Friday, June 06, 2008

San Mateo 3-4 June 2008

A couple of days in Foster City, just down the coast from San Francisco.
I identified a park near our hotel called the Leo Jordan park. Very manicured, alongside the artificial lagoon.a stroll on our first evening only found Crow, House Sparrow and Mallard.
But early next morning on a run I found that the landscaped copse was alive with birds. The only one I could identify without bins was an AMERICAN GOLDFINCH - a beautiful pale yellow. 0630 seemed to be the optimal time.
Around the hotel were dark-eyed Juncos.
Next morning I had to work rather than get out for a dawn watch, but in the afternoon we grabbed half an hour there before setting off to the airport and I found CHESTNUT BACKED CHICKADEE, HOUSE FINCH (like a redpoll), and BLACK PHOEBE (a twitching flycatcher).