Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brazil 2- Igacu

Off to Igacu, and first the Itapu Dam where we notched up Turkey Vulture, SNOWY EGRET, BANANAQUIT and from the car park CRESTED CARACARA.

On to the highly bizarre and downright spooky Hotel Carima where a damp dusk tour of the grounds added a WHITE WINGED SWALLOW and WATTLED JACANA and got us close enough to confirm that the hummingbirds we have been seeing are VIOLET CAPPED WOODNYMPHS and WHITE THROATED EMERALD (distinguished by the red bill). RED RUMPED CACIQUE. PALE BREASTED THRUSH.

Next day and off to the Bird Park where the aviaries are excellent for learning the local birds and especially for a very handsome pair of Harpy Eagles. But it is also a very good spot for wild birds and we saw TOCO TOUCAN, a juvenile BLACK CROWNED NIGHT HERON way up in a tree, PLUSH CRESTED JAY, RUFOUS CROWNED MOTMOT, GUIRA CUCKOO.

On to the stunning Igacu falls where we saw BLUE DACNIS and NEOTROPIC CORMORANT and an Azara's Aguti. On the road out a CRESTED CARACARA on the floor and ROADSIDE HAWK on the wires.

Back at the hotel it finally brightened up and I found an old orchard in the grounds where (before the mossies drove us away) we saw Smooth Billed Ani, CHOPI BLACKBIRD, EPAULET ORIOLE, SAYACA TANAGER, SAFFRON FINCH.

Short visit to the orchard before breakfast yielded one mossy bite and a CAMPO FLICKER. It was worth a bite....... Also some SHINY COWBIRDS. Then whilst waiting at the Argentinian border, a BLuE AND WHITE SWALLOW on a lamppost. House Sparrows frequent. GREEN KINGFISHER on a wire. At Iguacu, we saw South American Guinea Pig, GREEN IBIS, WING BARRED MANNIKIN then from the walkway a Broad Nosed Caiman, YELLOW BILLED CARDINAL, GRAY BREASTED MARTIN, then a Crested Caracara put up a glorious ANHINGA - really looks like a flying snake. Then Leo claimed an EULERS FLYCATCHER. After a speed boat trip under the falls we saw CATTLE TYRANT and CHALK BROWED MOCKINGBIRD.

Then, whilst rest of group went on a helicopter ride we had 30mins back in the Bird Park. Nothing new until the car park (so often the case) where we found CHESTNUT BELLIED EUPHONIA and VIOLACEOUS EUPHONIA.

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